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3 Questions to Check Up on Your Company Culture

You don’t need us to tell you that times have been tough for a lot of businesses. You know it. We know it. The whole world knows it. But if there’s something to be learned from the pandemic, it’s how valuable a company culture can be. Think about it: Everyone’s on the same page. Your team is aware of the challenges but hopeful for the future. Their eyes are on the prize in the face of adversity. These traits are invaluable, and they’re the mark of a business that’s built to last.

So, how’s your company’s culture doing? Whether you’re a business owner, manager or HR professional, now is the perfect time to be asking these questions.

How’s My Connection to My Team?

As a business leader, asking what your team is dealing with will help you build a connection with them. They’ve got hopes, dreams, stresses and fears that they bring into work with them. Every. Single. Day. So, whether they’re having money issues or their kid scored the game-winning goal in their little league soccer game over the weekend, you have to recognize that you seriously do have the chance to engage with some part of their worlds. If you choose not to, they’ll probably think you don’t care because they don’t see you making the effort.

Have They Caught the Vision?

It’s essential to have a clearly defined vision for your company. Your future depends on it! It also depends on your ability to communicate that vision to your team. Take it from our CEO Dave Ramsey, “As a leader, you have to share your vision with your team early and often. It is impossible to talk about it too much.” Your people need to see you exemplify the company vision and hear it from you on the regular. Why? Because that vision lets your team see the future it’s working toward. Without it, they’ll lose focus, and your company won’t reach its goals.

So, ask yourself, Has my team caught the vision? Do they get it? Because if they don’t, you’ll suffer the high costs of having a team that isn’t invested in your business’s big picture. You have to make sure they get it. When you cast your vision, it gives your team the chance to see the part they play, and that helps foster an entrepreneurial spirit and a sense of ownership.

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Your business needs a clear mission just as much as it needs a clear vision. Download the easy-to-follow EntreLeadership Mission Statement Mapper that will help you write a mission statement that gets you and your team fired up and on the same page

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Do They Know They Matter?

Look, everyone wants to be appreciated for the work they do, especially by their leaders. But for as much appreciation as you may feel for your team, it’s not always easy to show it. That doesn’t make it any less important. It just means you have to be intentional.


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There are a lot of different ways to show your employees that they matter, but the most meaningful of those ways will be the ones that actually benefit them. Fringe benefits like a free lunch or coffee are easy ways to recognize individual team members. You can even memorialize their success with something for their desk and recognition in front of the team. On a larger scale, team-wide benefits like financial wellness can play an important part in communicating company values. Giving them the means to take steps toward their dreams and goals shows that you genuinely care about them as people.

So, what’s the takeaway? You can show your team that they matter with both little things and big things. But the most important thing is that you actually do it consistently.

Healthy Culture Depends on Healthy Relationships

As you think about your answers to these questions, keep in mind that a company culture can only be as good as the relationship between its leaders and its team. It starts with you, the leader. You are the architect of a healthy culture. It comes down to you to connect with your team, cast your vision, and show your people that they matter. And over time if you keep up with it, your business will gain a reputation as a great place to have a career—not just a J-O-B—because of its culture.

Learn the Ramsey way of building a successful business through EntreLeadership’s business coachingconferences and tools.

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Ramsey Solutions

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Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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