Looking for Christy Wright or Business Boutique?

Unfortunately, Christy Wright is no longer with Ramsey Solutions, and we've stopped producing The Christy Wright Show and Business Boutique content. However, you can still check out the resources below to help you live a life you’re proud of. 

To stay connected with Christy, you can follow her on Instagram and Facebook.

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Personal Growth Articles

Are you too busy?
Personal Growth

8 Signs Your Life Is Too Busy

You don't have to wake up exhausted every morning or feel panicky when you look at your calendar. Here’s how to tell if you’re too busy (and practical tips to take back control of your time).

Ramsey Solutions Ramsey Solutions
How to Say No
Personal Growth

How to Say No: 6 Tips

When we say yes but don’t mean it, we end up exhausted, anxious and burnt-out. Here are six tips to learn how to say no without feeling guilty.

Dr. John Delony Dr. John Delony
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Business Articles


Pricing Strategies: How to Set Prices

Pricing your product or service can feel like a game of educated guesses. Here are some key factors you should consider to help you set the right price for your business.

Christy Wright Christy Wright
Image of phone using Profit Potential tool




What's Your Profit Potential?

Find out how much money your business or side hustle can make. Use our FREE Profit Potential tool by answering a few simple questions.

Image of phone using Profit Potential tool

What's Your Profit Potential?

Find out how much money your business or side hustle can make. Use our FREE Profit Potential tool by answering a few simple questions.

Thanks for letting us be a part of your journey—we’ve loved helping you take back your time and make money doing what you love. We’re still cheering you on! You can find past episodes of The Christy Wright Show wherever you listen to podcasts and on Christy’s YouTube channel. You can download the action steps from the Business Boutique book here. And you can find plenty of additional business, leadership, personal growth and money content on our website.