’Tis the season for . . . goal setting!
You might know them better as New Year’s resolutions. But whatever what you choose to call them, this is simply a time when you reassess the past year and set goals for the coming year.
Most people tend to focus their goals in just one or two areas, like losing weight (physical) or getting out of debt (financial). But there are actually seven areas in which you can, and should, set goals and resolutions.
Let’s walk through them.
- Intellectual: Goals in this area might include reading more books or going back to school to get an MBA.
- Physical: This one’s pretty obvious. You may be wanting to lose weight, go on a diet, spend more time at the gym, etc.
- Spiritual: This may mean spending more time in the Bible or getting more plugged in at church.
- Family: Maybe you want to start going on a monthly date night or taking the kids out once a week.
- Social: Goals in the social category might include putting yourself out there a little more—saying yes to more party invites, or maybe occasionally saying no!
- Career: Is it time for a career change? Or maybe it’s time to start your career. You might also want to set a goal to finally get that promotion or a well-deserved raise.
- Financially: If you visit my site regularly, you already knew this one would be on the list. This is all about getting out debt, making a habit of budgeting, and setting money goals for your future.
Here’s the truth about these seven areas. You won’t naturally feel like setting goals in all of them. Some will be easy. Others will be hard.
I don’t have any problem with setting family, social and career goals. But intellectual goals? That’s a different story.
For years, my dad has been saying “leaders are readers” and “the average millionaire reads one nonfiction book per month.” And I try my best to read business and leadership books, but I also love The Hunger Games!
Keep all of this in mind as you make your goals. Pay attention to these seven areas, and remember that it won’t always be easy! But if you make it a priority, you can accomplish what you aim for in the next year.