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Why Teachers Are the Best Role Models

There’s no doubt about it—teachers are freaking amazing. Where would the rest of society be without their guidance, compassion and dedication? Pretty lost, that’s where.

April is Financial Literacy Month (yay), but we think teachers should be celebrated all year long. We wouldn’t be the people we are today without the great teachers who have helped shape us. That’s why we made a list of five reasons teachers make the best role models!

1. They put others first.

Teachers get up at the crack of dawn, stay late grading papers or helping the students who are struggling, and often work nights and weekends to plan lessons and prep for the next day. And they do it all while setting a good example for their students and pushing them to reach their full potential. These people are superheroes.

Ask any teacher why they do it, and the vast majority of them will tell you it’s because they love it. They genuinely care about their students—as loud, unresponsive or teenager-y as they might be sometimes. Teachers love changing lives. They love making a difference. They love seeing that moment when everything clicks. It takes a really special and selfless type of person to do that.

2. They work hard.

Did we mention the long hours? It’s no secret that teaching isn’t exactly glamorous—in fact, few professions are as mentally and physically draining. Anyone could take a lesson from the way teachers are 1,000% dedicated and committed to their job, even when it takes a long time to see the fruits of their labors.

We all know it’s rewarding when our hard work pays off, but as one teacher told us, “it could be five years or more before you ever know if you made a difference.” And sometimes teachers never really know how much they impacted their students (that’s why we highly recommend writing a letter to a former teacher letting them know what a difference they made in your life—and how they’ve influenced your teaching career).

3. They’re smart (duh).

We know this one’s a no-brainer, but let’s just take a second to appreciate the fact that it takes a lot of education to become an educator (if you’re reading this blog right now—you know what we’re talking about)! From degrees to student teaching to certification, there are a lot of steps on the road to becoming a teacher. And each of those steps takes some serious determination and smarts.

Not only that, but teachers are the experts in their field. The way they can clearly explain concepts to help their students understand, work with different grade levels and learning types, and help students fix mistakes so they can do their work up to their full potential—all of that takes wisdom, intelligence and serious skill.

4. They’re creative.

Anyone who thinks the only creative people on the planet are artists and musicians has never seen a teacher try to get a bunch of students pumped about science—or seen a teacher prepare to give a lesson on Shakespeare to a roomful of less-than-enthusiastic high schoolers.

Teachers have to think on their feet all the time. They have to come up with fun activities and interesting discussion topics. They have to switch tactics or examples on a dime if something isn’t getting through to their students, and they constantly have to find new ways to capture the attention of the class (which is hard no matter how old the students are). Bonus points to the teachers who have classes right after lunch when the kids are either bouncing off the walls or ready to take a nap after loading up on carbs and sugar.

5. They make any subject engaging.

Let’s be honest: Students have a huge range of interests and passions, and sometimes, a teacher’s particular subject just isn’t one of them. Some students hate math with a burning, fiery passion. Others would rather eat dog food than write a five-paragraph essay. To each their own, right?


Are you a teacher? Help your students win with money today!

But teachers have a gift for bringing all subjects to life for their students—from chemistry to geometry to personal finance! And we’re so grateful they do. Some of us wouldn’t have passed eighth grade without extremely patient teachers who walked us through the hard stuff and helped us see certain subjects in a whole new light. Shout out to those teachers who are teaching our Foundations in Personal Finance curriculum and helping their students understand how to make smart decisions with their money in a time when financial stress is all too common. Talk about changing lives.

Every year, thousands of students learn life-changing financial literacy skills through our Foundations in Personal Finance curriculum. Your students can be next! The curriculum simplifies big topics like debt, insurance, taxes, real estate and the global economy. Make sure your students are ready to enter their future with confidence and tackle their finances head on!

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Ramsey Solutions

Ramsey Solutions has been committed to helping people regain control of their money, build wealth, grow their leadership skills, and enhance their lives through personal development since 1992. Millions of people have used our financial advice through 22 books (including 12 national bestsellers) published by Ramsey Press, as well as two syndicated radio shows and 10 podcasts, which have over 17 million weekly listeners. Learn More.

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